Sick of wasting time implementing legacy workflow solutions that don’t get embraced by your team?

You have come to the right place. It’s really hard to get strategy and vision to transcend bureaucracy and busyness to actually influence on what, and how the team is working. But it is possible.To remain competitive in the modern economy, you need to strip back your baggage and focus everything on what you aim to achieve.Once this is established you can scale the efforts of your top performers via an impossibly intuitive A.I. powered work platform.

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Make getting things done great again.

This is where The Place comes in. The Place gives your team Email, Calendar, Tasks, Strategic Planning and Embedded AI, all native in one human centric interface.We are just putting the finishing touches on our beta version, it will be ready for your team to test very soon, so sign up to watch this space.

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We can't wait to help you start changing the world, one task at a time.